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- 1
西村拓哉, 村上仁一, 徳久雅人, 池原悟, "文パターンを用いた統計翻訳", 言語処理学会第16回年次大会, pp.676-679. 2010.
- 2
- GIZA++, Training of statistical translation models
- 12
村上仁一, 徳久雅人, "日英対訳データベース作成のための1考察", 言語処理学会第17回年次大会, pp.979-982, 2011.
- 4
- Philipp Koehn, Marcello Federico, Brooke Cowan, Richard
Zens, Chris Dyer, Ondej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin, Evan
Herbst, “Moses: Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine
Translation”, Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Demo and Poster
Sessions, pp.177-180, 2007.
- 5
Peter F.Brown, Stephen A.Della Pietra, Vincent J.Della Pietra, Robert
L.Mercer, ``The mathematics of statistical machine translation:
Parameter Estimation'', Computational Linguistics, pp.263-311, 1993.
- 6
- MeCab, 日本語形態素解析器
- 11
- SRILM, The SRI Language Model Toolkit
- 8
- BLEU, NIST Open MT Scoring
- 9
- NIST, Automatic Evalation of Machine Translation Quality Using n-gram Co-Occurence Statistics
- 10
Franz Josef Och, ``Minimum error rate training for
statistical machine translation'', Proceedings of the
ACL, 2003.
- 11
- SRILM, The SRI Language Modeling Toolkit
- 12
- Jin'ichi Murakami, Masato Tokuhisa, Satoru Ikehara,
``Statistical Machine Translation using Large J/E Parallel
Corpus and Long Phrase Tables'', International Workshop on
Spoken Language Translation 2007, pp.151-155, 2007
- 13
- 西山七絵, 村上仁一, 徳久雅人, 池原悟, ``単文文型パター
ン辞書の構築'', 言語処理学会第11回年次大会, pp.372-375, 2005
eki takashi