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次へ: Make the English-Japanese Translation 上へ: Proposed Method 戻る: Proposed Method

Make the English-Japanese Word Dictionary

Translating only one way from English to Japanese will result in an unreliable the English-Japanese word dictionary. So, in order to increase reliability, we used both English-Japanese word pairs and Japanese-English word pairs to make the English-Japanese word dictionary.
The English-Japanese word dictionary was made as follows.
Step 1
Make English-Japanese word pairs and Japanese-English word pairs using GIZA++.
Step 2
Multiply the translation probabilities of the English-Japanese word pairs and the Japanese-English word pairs. Select the word pairs with probabilities higher than a threshold (α) and put them in the English-Japanese word dictionary.
Table III shows an example of the English-Japanese word dictionary and Table IV shows an example of the Japanese-English word dictionary.

表 III: Example of English-Japanese Word Dictionary
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert l\vert l\vert}
fire & 火 & 0.37\\ \hline
kitchen & 台所 & 0.49\\ \hline

表 IV: Example of Japanese-English Word Dictionary
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert l\vert l\vert}
火 & fire & 0.22\\ \hline
台所 & kitchen & 0.71\\ \hline

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次へ: Make the English-Japanese Translation 上へ: Proposed Method 戻る: Proposed Method