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次へ: Notes 上へ: Proposed Method 戻る: Make the English-Japanese Translation

Generate the Japanese Translation Sentence

We generate Japanese translation sentences by using the English-Japanese word dictionary and the English-Japanese translation patterns.
The Japanese translation sentences are made as follows.
Step 1
Select English translation patterns corresponding to the input English sentence.
Step 2
Find the variables in the English translation patterns and obtain the English words corresponding to the variables.
Step 3
Obtain the Japanese translation patterns corresponding to the English translation patterns.
Step 4
Find the variables in Japanese translation patterns and search for the Japanese words corresponding to the variables.
Step 5
Replace variables in Japanese translation patterns with the Japanese word in Step 4.
Step 6
Japanese translation sentence calculates the likelihood(β) by using Japanese word tri-gram. The likelihood(β) means the sum of Japanese word tri-gram scores with based 10 logarithm. Japanese word tri-gram are calculated from the English-Japanese sentence pairs.
Step 7
If the result of step 5 generates multiple Japanese translation sentences, select only one sentence with the highest likelihood(β).
Figure 2 shows an example of generating a Japanese translation sentence.

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次へ: Notes 上へ: Proposed Method 戻る: Make the English-Japanese Translation