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池原 悟FETU
阿部 さつきNTTAT
徳久 雅人FETU
村上 仁一FETU
FETU鳥取大学工学部 Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
NTTATNTTアドバンステクノロジ株式会社 NTT Advanced Technology Corp.,
Japanese to English Sentence Pattern Generations
for Semantically Non-Linear Complex Sentences
Satoru IkeharaFETU and Satsuki AbeNTTAT and Masato TokuhisaFETU and Jin'ichi MurakamiFETU
Abstract : In order to breakthrough the limitation of the conventional
method based on Compositional Semantics, it is expected to realize a new
translation method based on Sentence Patterns in which non-linear
structures of linguistic expressions are represented as semantic
units. This paper proposes the way to judge the linearity or
non-linearity of linguistic expressions based on their definitions and
how to generate sentence patterns from huge bilingual corpora. According
to this method, three kinds of sentence patterns such as "word level",
"phrase level" and "clause level" are generated in this order from
Japanese to English corpus. In the experiments, 150,000 sentence pairs
for complex and compound sentences are extracted from one million
sentence pair corpora, and 128,000 patterns, 105,000 patterns and 13,000
patterns for each of three revels were generated from these sentence
pairs. Due to the clarifications of decision process, the generation
processes of the sentence patterns were mostly automated by using the
results of morphological analysis and these 246,000 sentence patterns
have been obtained in a year.
Machine Translation, Sentence Pattern, Linguistic Knowledgbase, Compositional Semantics, Nonlinear Expression, Generalization