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Example of Output Sentences (Failure)

Table 8 shows an example of failure of an input sentences, and table 9 shows the candidate (output) sentences.

Table 8: Input Sentence (Failure)
``Karewa Kanojyoni Kazewo utushita''
` He gave his cold to her. '

Table 9: Example of output sentence (Failure)
 order  output sentence
 1  「彼は彼女に風をうつした」
    ``Karewa Kanojyoni Kazewo utushita''
    ` He gave his wind to her. '
 2  「彼は彼女に風邪をうつした」
    ``Karewa Kanojyoni Kazewo utushita''
    ` He gave his cold to her. '

Table 10 shows the the valency patterns of the verb 「うつ した」('transfer'). The first candidate matched one of the valency patterns of the verb 「うつした」('transfer'). Therefore, it was not removed. The second candidate is a correct sentence. As a result, the sentence recognition rate remains the same. Thus, this sentence was not chosen.

Table 10: The Valency Patterns for 「うつした」 (`transfer , give, etc ')
1 $N1$ (4 人)が $N2$ (2 具体物)を $N3$(2 具体物)から/より $N4$ ( 場所 ) に/へ 移す」 
  ' $N1$ (4 people) transfer $N2$ ( 2 object) from N3 ( 2 object) to N4 (2610 place) '
2 $N1$( 4 人) が $N2$(2416 病気) を $N3$(4 人) に 移す
   $N1$(4 people) give N3 ( 2416 disease) $N2$ (4 people)

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Jin'ichi Murakami 2005-08-25