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$B $B$3$NJ8=q$K$D$$$F(B... $B>e$X(B: Statistical Machine Translation adding $BLa$k(B: Acknowledgements


Peter F. Brown, Stephen A. Della Pietra, Vincent J. Della Pietra, and Robert L. Mercer. "The machinematics of machine translation: Parameter estimation", Computational Linguistics, 19(2): pp. 263-311. (1993).

Philipp Koehn, Franz J. Och, and Daniel Marcu. " Statistical phrase-based translation". In Marti Hearst and Mari Ostendorf, editors, HLT-NAACL 2003: Main Proceedings, pages 127.133, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 27 -June 1. Association for Computational Linguistics. (2003).

Pierre Isabelle, Cyril Goutte, and Michel Simard., ``Domain Adaptation of MT systems through automatic post-editing'', MT Summit XI, 102, 2007.

Yushi Xu and Stephanie Seneff, "Two-Stage Translation: A Combined Linguistic and Statistical Machine Translation Framework", Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation (AMTA) 2008.

Jason Katz-Brown and Michael Collins, " Syntactic Reordering in Preprocessing for Japanese English Translation: MIT System Description for NTCIR-7 Patent Translation Task", Proceedings of the 7th NTCIR Workshop Meeting, 2008.

Franz Josef Och, Hermann Ney. "A Systematic Comparison of Various Statistical Alignment Models", Computational Linguistics, volume 29, number 1, pp. 19-51 March 2003.

Andreas Stolcke, ``SRILM - An Extensible Language Modeling Toolkit'', in Proc. Intl. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, Denver, Colorado, September 2002

Philipp Koehn, Marcello Federico, Brooke Cowan, Richard Zens, Chris Dyer, Ond$B*T(Bej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin, Evan Herbst, ``Moses: Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation'', Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Demo and Poster Sessions, pages 177$B#|(B180, June 2007.

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Banerjee, S. and A. Lavie, "METEOR: An Automatic Metric for MT Evaluation with Improved Correlation with Human Judgments", Proceedings of Workshop on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for MT and/or Summarization at the 43th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-2005), June 2005.

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Jin'ichi Murakami, Masato Tokuhisa, Satoru Ikehara, ``Statistical Machine Translation adding Pattern-based Machine Translation in Chinese-English Translation'', International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2009, (IWSLT 2009), pp.107-112, October 2009.

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Atsushi Fujii, Masao Utiyama, Mikio Yamamoto, Takehito Utsuro, Terumasa Ehara, Hiroshi Echizen-ya, Sayori Shimohata, ``Overview of the Patent Translation Task at the NTCIR-8 Workshop. Proceedings of the 8th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, Question Answering and Cross-lingual Information Access'', 2010.

Terumasa EHARA, ``Rule Based Machine Translation Combined with Statistical Post Editor for Japanese to English Patent Translation'', Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI, Workshop on Patent Translation, pp.13-18, Sept., 2007.

$BI=(B 5: Outputs for Intrinsic-JE
107 Input $B?^(B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B$K$*$$$F(B $B!"(B $B9b05(B $B%]%s%W(B $BEG=P(B $BNL(B $B$,(B $BBg(B $B!"(B $B$^$?$O(B $B!"(B $B>.(B $B$N(B $B$H$-(B $B!"(B $B%9(B $B%T%k(B $BJ[(B $B6nF0(B $B%?%$%_%s%0(B $B$N(B $BJQ2=(B $BNL(B $B$KBP$7(B $B9b05(B $B%]%s%W(B $BEG=P(B $BNL(B $B$N(B $BJQ2=(B $BNL(B $B$,(B $B>.$5$$(B $B!#(B
Proposed In FIG . 11 , when high-pressure pump discharge quantity is larger , the amount of change is small with respect to the amount of change in the amount of discharge of the high pressure pump spill valve drive timing .
Baseline In FIG . 11 , the high-pressure pump discharge quantity is large or small , or when the spill valve drive timing variations with respect to variation of the high-pressure pump discharge quantity is small .
IBM In Fig . 11 , when high-pressure pump $BEG=PNL(B is size or smallness , the amount of change of high-pressure pump $BEG=PNL(B is small to the amount of change of $B%9%T%k(B valve drive timing .
REFERENCE In FIG . 11 , when the high-pressure pump discharge quantity is large or small , the change quantity in the high-pressure pump discharge quantity is small with respect to the change quantity in the spill valve drive timing .


Input $B%U%#!<%I(B $B%U%)%o!<%I(B $BNL(B $B1i;;(B $BIt(B $B#1(B $B#0(B $B#0(B $B$G(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BG3NA(B $BJ.
Proposed The amount of each cylinder is calculated based on the target fuel pressure PFo and the fuel pressure PF to the PID control unit 200 , and the feedback amount is set as the feed forward amount from the fuel injection valve in an amount equal the amount of fuel supplied to the fuel feed forward operation section 100 , QFinj QFspl2 .
Baseline The amount of fuel QF is set as a final fuel injection amount QF based on the fuel pressure PF and the target fuel pressure PFo and the PID control unit 200 as a feedback signal . 2 pl is calculated from the fuel injection valve feed forward amount calculating section 100 is supplied to each cylinder of the feed forward amount .
IBM In the amount operation part 100 of $B%U%#!<%I(B forwards , the fuel of the amount of fuel supplied to each cylinder from a fuel injection valve and the amount of said is set up as an amount QFinj of $B%U%#!<%I(B forwards , and the amount QFspl2 of feedbacks is computed based on target $BG305(B PFo and $BG305(B PF in the PID control part 200 .
REFERENCE In the feedforward quantity computing unit 100 , the same quantity of fuel as the quantity of fuel supplied from the fuel injection valve to each cylinder is set as a feedforward quantity QFinj , and in the PID control unit 200 , a feedback quantity Qfspl2 is calculated on the basis of the target fuel pressure PFo and the fuel pressure PF .


Input $B$^$:(B $B!"(B $B=jDj(B $B$N(B $BHO0O(B $B$,(B $B5!4X(B $B2sE>(B $BB.EY(B $B$K(B $B4p$E$-(B $BJQ99(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B>l9g(B $B!"(B $B$7$-(B $B$$(B $BCM(B $B#1(B $B#X(B $B#P(B $B#F(B $B#H(B $B!"(B $B$7$-(B $B$$(B $BCM(B $B#2(B $B#X(B $B#P(B $B#H(B $B#L(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BNc$($P(B $B?^(B $B#7(B $B$N(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B@_Dj(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B
Proposed First , as shown in FIG . 7 , when the predetermined range is changed based on the engine rotational speed N , and the threshold value 1XPFH 2XPHL are set .
Baseline First , the engine speed is within a predetermined range based on a change in the threshold value 1 is set , for example , as shown in FIG . 2 , the threshold value H XPF XP HL .
IBM First , as shown in Fig . 7 , when the predetermined range is changed based on organization rotation speed , threshold 1XPFH and threshold 2XPHL are set up .
REFERENCE First , when the predetermined range is changed on the basis of the engine rotation speed , the threshold value 1XPFH and the threshold value 2XPFL are set as shown in FIG . 7 , for example .


Input $BH(B $B$7(B $B$J$,$i(B $B!"(B $B>e5-(B $B$N(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B9=@.(B $B$5(B $B$l(B $B$?(B $BE{(B $BFb(B $BG3NA(B $BJ.
Proposed Next , the operation of the second feedback quantity of the fuel pressure control apparatus for a direct injection type internal combustion engine combustion chamber , shown in FIG . 1 will now be described with reference to the flow chart of FIG . 14 .
Baseline A description will now be given , with reference to FIG . 14 of the direct cylinder fuel injection control device for an internal combustion engine having the above structure will now be described as a second feedback amount of the behavior of the fuel pressure .
IBM Next , the action of the second amount of feedbacks in the fuel pressure control device of the charge injection formula internal combustion engine of pipe internal combustion constituted as mentioned above is explained , referring to the diagram of Fig . 14 of operation .
REFERENCE Next , the behavior of the second feedback quantity in the fuel pressure control apparatus of the cylinder fuel injection type internal combustion engine configured as described above will be described with reference to FIG . 14 .


Input $B$3$3(B $B$G(B $B@QJ,(B $B9`(B $B#P(B $B#F(B $B#F(B $B#B(B $B!2(B $B#I(B $B$,(B $B<0(B $B!J(B $B#A(B $B!K(B $B$h$j(B $BBg$-$$(B $B$H$-(B $B!J(B $BB($A(B $B!"(B $B#Y(B $B#E(B $B#S(B $B!K(B $B!"(B $B%9%F%C%W(B $B#S(B $B#4(B $B#0(B $B#9(B $B$G(B $Be(B $B$N(B $BNL(B $B$r(B $B=|$$(B $B$?(B $BL\I8(B $BEG=P(B $BNL(B $B#Q(B $B#F(B $B#s(B $B#p(B $B#l(B $B#1(B $B$r(B $B;;=P(B $B$9$k(B $B!#(B
Proposed When the integral term I is larger than the target amount of one or more of threshold values is calculated using the following equation at step S409 . XPFHs QFspl1 except for the discharge amount ( i.e. , YES ) , PFFB equation ( A )
Baseline The integral term I / F _ B is larger than the threshold ( that is , YES ) , the routine proceeds to step 409 , the amount of the target discharge quantity Q is calculated . 1 excluding at least 1 according to the following equation ( A ) PF type XPF pl Fs .
IBM When integration clause PFFB _ I is larger than a formula ( A ) ( namely , YES ) , target $BEG=PNL(B QFspl1 except the quantity of 1 or more XPFHs of thresholds is computed by the following formula at Step S409 here .
REFERENCE Here , when the integral term PFFB _ I is larger than the expression ( A ) ( i.e. , YES ) , the target discharge quantity QFspl1 excluding a quantity equal to or greater than a threshold value 1XPFH is calculated by the following expression in step S409 .

Input means input Japanese sentence. Proposed means the output our proposed method. Baseline means the output of moses.
IBM meas the output of IBM King504 ($BK]Lu$N2&MM(B). REFERENCE means the correct sentence and handmade.

$BI=(B 6: Outputs for Intrinsic-EJ
5 Input Through the temperature control circuit ( CPU ) , the operation of the heater is controlled so that the temperature to be detected by each thermistor becomes the target temperature .
Proposed $B$=$l$>$l(B $B$N(B $B%5!<%_%9%?(B $B$N(B $B8!=P(B $B29EY(B $B$,(B $B@_Dj(B $B29EY(B $B$K(B $B$J$k(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B!"(B $B%R!<%?(B $B29EY(B $B@)8f(B $B2sO)(B $B!J(B $B#C#P#U(B $B!K(B $B$K$h$C$F(B $B$=$N(B $BF0:n(B $B$,(B $B@)8f(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B
Baseline $B$3$l(B $B$K(B $B$h$j(B $B!"(B $B%R!<%?(B $B29EY(B $B@)8f(B $B2sO)(B $B!J(B $B#C#P#U(B $B!K(B $B$N(B $BF0:n(B $B$r(B $B@)8f(B $B$9$k(B $B$3$H(B $B$K(B $B$h$j(B $B!"(B $BIW(B $B!9(B $B$N(B $B%5!<%_%9%?(B $B$N(B $B29EY(B $B$,(B $BL\I8(B $B29EY(B $B$r(B $B8!=P(B $B$9$k(B $B!#(B
IBM $B29EY(B $B%3%s%H%m!<%k(B $B0l<~(B ( C P U ) $B$rDL$7$F(B $B!"(B $B$=$l$>$l(B $B$N(B $B%5!<(B $B%_%9%?!<(B $B$K$h$C$F(B $B8+$D$1(B $B$i$l$k(B $B29EY(B $B$,(B $BL\I8(B $B29EY(B $B$K(B $B$J$k(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B!"(B $B%R!<%?!<(B $B$N(B $BA`:n(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $B%3%s%H%m!<%k(B $B$5(B $B$l(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $B29EY(B $BD4@a(B $B2sO)(B $B!J(B $B#C#P#U(B $B!K(B $B$K$h$j(B $B!"(B $B$=$l$>$l(B $B$N(B $B%5!<%_%9%?(B $B$K$*$$$F(B $B8!CN(B $B$5(B $B$l(B $B$?(B $B29EY(B $B$,(B $BL\I8(B $B29EY(B $B$H(B $B$J$k(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B%R!<%?(B $B$N(B $BF0:n(B $B$,(B $B@)8f(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B


Input As the abnormal temperature rise observed in this embodiment is up to approximately 190 & # xb0 ; C. , the high-temperature offset and downtime are not caused .
Proposed $B$3$N(B $Bo(B $B$J(B $B29EY(B $B>e>:(B $B$,(B $BN)$A>e$k(B $B!#(B $B$O(B $BH/@8(B $B$7(B $B$J$$(B $B!#(B
Baseline $B$^$?(B $B!"(B $BK\(B $B:(B $B29(B $B$5(B $B$l(B $B$?(B $B0[>o(B $BDd;_(B $B$7(B $B!"(B $B9b29(B $B%*%U%;%C%H(B $B$,(B $BH/@8(B $B$7(B $B$J$$(B $B!#(B
IBM $B0[>o(B $B$J(B $B29EY(B $BA}2C(B $B$,(B $B$3$l(B $B$G(B $BBN8=(B $B$,(B $B>e$,$C(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B$3$H(B $B$r(B $B4Q;!(B $B$7(B $B$?(B $B$N(B $B$G(B $B!"(B $B$*$*$h$=(B 1 9 0 & # x b 0 ; $B$K(B $B!"(B C $B!#(B $B9b29(B $BEY(B $B$N(B $B%*%U%;%C%H(B $B$H(B $BHs(B $B2TF/(B $B;~4V(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $B0z$-5/$3$5(B $B$l(B $B$^$;(B $B$s(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $BK\(B $BNc(B $B$G(B $B$O(B $B0[>o(B $B>:(B $B29(B $B$,(B $B#1(B $B#9(B $B#0(B $B!n(B $BDxEY(B $B$^$G(B $B$G(B $B$"$C(B $B$?(B $B$?$a(B $B!"(B $B9b29(B $B%*%U%;%C%H(B $B$d(B $B%@%&%s(B $B%?%$%`(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BH/@8(B $B$7(B $B$J$$(B $B!#(B
8 Input The fixing roller 51 rotates clockwise as indicated by the arrow .
Proposed $BLp0u(B $B$G(B $B<($9(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$O(B $B;~7W(B $BJ}8~(B $B$K(B $B2sE>(B $B$9$k(B $B!#(B
Baseline $B$^$?(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$O(B $BLp(B $B<((B $B$N(B $B;~7W(B $BJ}8~(B $B$K(B $B2sE>(B $B$9$k(B $B!#(B
IBM $BLp(B $B$K$h$C$F(B $B<($5(B $B$l$k(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B!"(B $B8GDj(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B%m!<%i!<(B 5 1 $B$O(B $B!"(B $B;~7W(B $B2s$j(B $B$K(B $B2sE>(B $B$7(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $B$^$?(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$O(B $BLp0u(B $B$N(B $B;~7W(B $BJ}8~(B $B$K(B $B2sE>(B $B6nF0(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B


Input FIG . 8 shows the belt , seen from the fixing roller .
Proposed $B?^(B $B#8(B $B$O(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B%Y%k%H(B $B$+$i(B $B8+(B $B$?(B $B>uBV(B $B$r(B $B<($7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B!#(B
Baseline $B?^(B $B#8(B $B$K(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BA0=R(B $B$N(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B$G(B $B9=@.(B $B$5(B $B$l(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B!#(B
IBM $B?^(B 8 $B$O(B $B!"(B $B8GDj(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B%m!<%i!<(B $B$+$i(B $B8+(B $B$i$l(B $B$?(B $B%Y%k%H(B $B$r(B $B8+$;(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $B?^(B $B#8(B $B$O(B $B%Y%k%H(B $B$r(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $BJ}8~(B $B$+$i(B $B8+(B $B$?(B $B?^(B $B$G(B $B$"$k(B $B!#(B


Input The pressure belt 53 is brought into contact with the fixing roller 51 .
Proposed $B2C(B $B05(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#3(B $B$H(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$K(B $BEv(B $B@\(B $B$9$k(B $B$h$&(B $B$K(B $B$J$C(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B!#(B
Baseline $B2C(B $B05(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#3(B $B$H(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$K(B $BEv(B $B@\$5(B $B$l(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B!#(B
IBM $B05NO(B $B%Y%k%H(B 5 3 $B$,(B $B8GDj(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B $B%m!<%i!<(B 5 1 $B$K(B $B@\?((B $B$5(B $B$;(B $B$i$l(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $B$3$N(B $B2C(B $B05(B $B%Y%k%H(B $B#5(B $B#3(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $B%m!<%i(B $B#5(B $B#1(B $B$K(B $BEv(B $B@\$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B


Input Referring now to FIG . 3 , the arrangement of the fixing unit 9 in the longitudinal width direction is described .
Propoased $B?^(B $B#3(B $B$r(B $B;2>H(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $BAuCV(B $B#9(B $B$N(B $BD9
Baseline $BH(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B!"(B $BDjCe(B $BAuCV(B $B#1(B $B$N(B $BD9
IBM $B:#(B $B$r(B $B%$%A%8%/(B $B$K(B $B0z$-9g$o$9(B $B$3$H(B $B!#(B 3 $B!"(B $B8GDj(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B 9 $B9f(B $B$N(B $BBG$A9g$o$;(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $B7PEY(B $B$N(B $B9-(B $B$5(B $BJ}8~(B $B$G(B $B=R$Y(B $B$i$l(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $BH(B $B$7(B $B$D$D(B $B@bL@(B $B$9$k(B $B!#(B
19 Input Next , the fixing unit 9 in accordance with the first embodiment is described in conjunction with FIG . 2 .
Proposed $B
Baseline $BH(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B!"(B $B
IBM $B$C(B $B$?(B $B8GDj(B $B$7(B $B$F(B $B$$$k(B 9 $B9f(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $B%$%A%8%/(B $B$H$H$b$K(B $B=R$Y(B $B$i$l(B $B$^$9(B $B!#(B 2 .


Input The width of the conductor patterns 11a & # x2013 ; 11d and lead conductors 13 , 14 after fired is set , for example , to about 40 & # x3bc ; m .
Proposed $B>F@.(B $B$O(B $BLs(B $B#4(B $B#0(B $B&L(B $B#m(B $B$K(B $B@_Dj(B $B$7(B $B$?(B $B8e(B $B!"(B $B#1(B $B#2(B $B#0(B $B!"(B $B#1(B $B#3(B $B#1(B $B#a(B $B!](B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B#d(B $B$H(B $B%j!<%I(B $BF3BN(B $B#1(B $B#3(B $B5Z$S(B $B#1(B $B#4(B $B$N(B $B%Q%?!<%s(B $BI}(B $B$r(B $B!"(B $BNc$($P(B $B!"(B $B#3(B $B#b(B $B#c(B $B!t(B $B#x(B $B#x(B $BHV(B $B$N(B $BF3BN(B $B$G(B $B$"$k(B $B!#(B
Baseline $BF3BN(B $B%Q%?!<%s(B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B#a(B $B!A(B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B#d(B $B$H(B $B%j!<%I(B $BF3BN(B $B#1(B $B#3(B $B5Z$S(B $B#1(B $B#4(B $B$N(B $BI}(B $B#W(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $B>F@.(B $B$7(B $B$?(B $B8e(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BNc$($P(B $B!"(B $BLs(B $B#4(B $B#0(B $B&L(B $B#m(B $B$G(B $B$"$k(B $B!#(B
REFERENCE $BF3BN(B $B%Q%?!<%s(B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B#a(B $B!A(B $B#1(B $B#1(B $B#d(B $B5Z$S(B $B0z$-=P$7(B $BF3BN(B $B#1(B $B#3(B $B!$(B $B#1(B $B#4(B $B$N(B $B>F@.(B $B8e(B $B$K$*$1$k(B $BI}(B $B$O(B $B!"(B $BNc$($P(B $B#4(B $B#0(B $B&L(B $BDxEY(B $B$K(B $B@_Dj(B $B$5(B $B$l$k(B $B!#(B

Input means input Eapanese sentence. Proposed means the output our proposed method. Baseline means the output of moses.
IBM means the output of IBM King504 ($BK]Lu$N2&MM(B). REFERENCE means the correct sentence and handmade.

next up previous
$B $B$3$NJ8=q$K$D$$$F(B... $B>e$X(B: Statistical Machine Translation adding $BLa$k(B: Acknowledgements
Jin'ichi Murakami $BJ?@.(B22$BG/(B7$B7n(B5$BF|(B