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Appendix: Experiments with All Training Data

We tried to used all training data ( 2920434 sentence ) to improve these results. Also we did not use reordering models or not optimize these parameters using MERT in this experiments.

Table4 shows the results of these experiments. As can be seen this table, proposed method was so effective for BLEU score. Theses BLEU score was the best group of NTCIR-8.

表 4: Appendix: Results with All data
  task bleu nist meteor
Proposed Intrinsic-JE 0.2924 7.2904 0.6216
Baseline (moses) Intrinsic-JE 0.2229 6.1266 0.5842
Proposed Intrinsic-EJ 0.3276 7.5638  
Baseline (moses) Intrinsic-EJ 0.3232 7.2663  

Jin'ichi Murakami 平成22年7月5日