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French-English Patterns

We developed the following process for forming French-English patterns.

  1. Parallel French-English Corpus

    We prepare French-English parallel sentences for training. Example sentences are listed in Table 1.

    表 1: Parallel French-English Corpus
    French sentence Le feu tait au rouge.
    English sentence The light was red.

  2. French-English Phrase Table

    Using training-model.perl [4], we construct a French-English phrase table. An example French-English phrase table is shown in table 2.

    表 2: Example of French-English Phrase Table
    1 Le feu |||The light |||0.5 0.071 0.5 0.209
    2 Les lumire ne |||The lights |||0.0001 0.0006 0.003 0.004
    3 feu |||light |||0.2 0.01 0.2 0.2

  3. French-English High Probability Phrase Table

    We deleted the low-probability French-English phrase table (Table 2), in which the threshold was below 0.1. We call the resulting table a French-English high-probability phrase table (HPPT). An example of an HPPT is shown in Table 3.

    表 3: Example of French-English High Probability Phrase Table
    1 Le feu |||The light |||0.5 0.071 0.5 0.209
    2 feu |||light |||0.2 0.01 0.2 0.2

  4. French-English Patterns

    Using French-English parallel sentences (Table [*]) and the French-English high probability phrase table (Table 3), we formed French-English patterns. Note that all possible French-English patterns were generated. So, one or more French-English patterns were generated from one French-English parallel sentence. Example French-English patterns are listed in Table [*].

    表 4: French-English Patterns
    1 French pattern X1 tait au rouge.
      English pattern X1 was red.
    2 French pattern Le X1 tait au rouge.
      English pattern The X1 was red.

Figure 1 shows a flowchart for forming French-English patterns.

図 1: Forming French-English Patterns
\fbox{ \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{figure/figure3.eps} }

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次へ: Decoding Pattern 上へ: Pattern-Based Machine Translation 戻る: Pattern-Based Machine Translation
Jin'ichi Murakami 平成22年12月20日