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A: Open Format for Electronic Dictionaries (EPWING)

The EPWING format[33] is Japanese unique electronic dictionary format. This format is mainly built by Fujitsu and used by various publishing and software companies. JIS X4081 specifications were established for this format in 1996. Currently, over 50 kinds of dictionaries of this type are available.

This format is based on JIS code, so extracting raw sentences is very easy. However, difficulties often occur with extracting parallel sentences in these medias. Certain dictionaries have parallel sentence files that are separate from the dictionary. These enable parallel sentences to be extracted easily. However, there are very few cases. Parallel sentences are normally completely embedded in raw dictionary characters. Therefore, some special keys are needed to extract these sentences. For example, the head line of parallel sentence is "$ \sim$ " in Genius English Japanese Dictionary[32]. Therefore, we had to make many small tools to extract parallel sentences for each electronic media.

Jin'ichi Murakami 2007-11-12