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- 1
H.Schwenk, Marta R.Costa-jussa, and Jose A.R.Fonollosa, ``Continuous space
language models for the IWSLT 2006 Task'', in IWSLT, 2006, pages.166-173
- 2
Peter F.Brown, Stephen A.Della Pietra, Vincent J.Della Pietra, Robert
L.Mercer, ``The mathematics of statistical machine translation:
Parameter Estimation'', Computational Linguistics, 1993
- 3
- 4
Franz Josef Och, ``Minimum error rate training for
statistical machine translation'', Proceedings of the
ACL, 2003.
- 5
L.Dugast, J.Senellart, and P.Koehn, ``Statistical postediting
on SYSTRAN's rule-based translation system'',
in Second Workshop on SMT, 2007, pages.179-182
- 6
M.Simard, N.Ueffing, P.Isabelle, and R.Kuhn, ``Rule-based translation with
statistical phrase-based post-editing'',
in Second Workshop on SMT, 2007, pages.203-206
- 7
SRILM(The SRI Language Modeling Toolkit) : srilm.tgz
- 8
Moses : moses.2007-05-29.tgz
- 9
西山七絵, 村上仁一, 徳久雅人, 池原悟, ``単文文型パターン辞書の構築'', 言語処
理学会第11回年次大会, pp.372-375, 2005
- 10
ChaSen, http://chasen-legacy.sourceforge.jp/
- 11
村上仁一, 池原悟, 徳久雅人, ``日本語英語の文対応の対訳データベースの作成'',
「言語,認識,表現」第7回年次研究会, 2002
- 12
NIST Open Machine Translation (OpenMT) Evaluation
- 13
The METEOR Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation System
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ alavie/METEOR/
- 14
福田智大, 村上仁一, 徳久雅人, 池原悟, ``ルールベース翻訳を前処理に用いた
統計翻訳'', 言語処理学会第16回年次大会(発表予定)